Tell us a little bit about yourself where you're based? What kind of work you do? How did you end up where you are?
Howdy! My name is Liz Hampton and I’m 25. I live and work on my family’s sheep stud in Cave, South Canterbury. I have a passion for rodeo, particularly roping. I have always loved going and watching my local rodeos but it wasn’t until 3 years ago that I got involved in the sport. This past season has got to be my most successful yet, with the highlight being winning the NZRCA Rookie Breakaway Roping Champion. My success hasn’t come without hard work and dedication, and I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by some top notch cowboys and cowgirls here in NZ as well as in Australia, which for the past 2 years I have spent my winters training and competing.

1. What does a normal day look like for you?
Depends what time of the year it is 😂
“Rodeo season - weekday”
I wake up around 7am and have coffee and breakfast. Then head outside and feed horses. During rodeo season they get hard feed morning and night.
7:30am-5pm you’ll find me out on the farm probably doing something that involves sheep.
Then the evenings are dedicated to my horses and training. I have my own arena and breakaway roping alley so I can do a lot of my practicing at home. Although I do try to get to my friends place up the back of Fairlie 1-2 times a week to rope with them.
The last job of my day is feeding the horses (again). I like to make the most of every minute of light in the evening so I don’t normally get inside at eat dinner until after 9pm.
2. How do you master the work/love/life balance living in the country
God, I don’t think I’ve mastered the balance yet, and honestly don’t think I ever will. I think it’s easy to get caught up in your own little world sometimes when things get busy on the farm. At times I can get pretty stretched when I comes to work/farm and rodeo commitments. I am fortunate to work alongside my parents who are extremely supportive and forgiving. I also try to keep myself involved in my local young farmers clubs and am on a few committees to have a change of scenery too.
3. What would you take with you if you where stuck on a deserted Island?
A rope, roping dummy and my horses.
4. Living rurally did you get FOMO of the big smoke and events you missed out on?
I don’t think I’ve really ever had FOMO when it comes to events like festivals etc. In the summertime these normally coincide with rodeos which means I’m busy anyway. I have a really incredible group of friends who rodeo and make life on the road really fun. There’s always a few drinks and good banter shared at night so I never feel I’m “missing out”.
5. Tell us your favourite go to meal? and tip in the kitchen
I love anything Asian fusion and Italian.
I make a mean teriyaki beef bowl, tip is heavy on the brown sugar!
6. Whats your favourite Whistle & Pop piece you own and what does it mean to you?
I have been collecting Whistle & Pop since the days of the Wallago Shirt, but my favourite piece has to be my Longhorn Necklace from the Trailblazer collection. It’s literally become my good luck charm when competing. What’s really special is how unique the piece is. It represents such a huge part of my life and to have it designed here in NZ is pretty cool. I normally pair it with my Cowgirl Boot necklace which I purchased on its first ever pre order a few years ago!

7. Whats your favourite animal and why?
Probably pretty obvious at this point but I’ve got to say horses. The bond that you form with your horse, especially one you compete on is unmatched. I love seeing how much they love their job and embrace the crowds at rodeos.
8. Best part of country life? Most challenging part?
I love that no day is ever the same, and in some ways that can be the most challenging part too. You never know what curve ball the day is going to throw at you and learning how to deal with and proceed is a challenge in itself.
9. We love dreaming big and love the mentality of anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Tell us if you have any out there dreams you would like to pursue and we will help get the word out there for you?
You never know unless you try My dream would be to make a career out of rodeo. Unfortunately here in NZ it is very hard to make a living out of the prize money won. Even after a successful season competitively, it is very unlikely you would have been able to have paid your way once you take into account fuel, ferry’s, food (horses and human) etc. In order to fulfil this dream I would have to live full time in the USA or Canada, but this would mean leaving my family and farm which is a huge part of me too. Fortunately I’ve been able to get my fix over the last 2 years living in Australia for 3-4 months during winter where I work for a rodeo family who supply timed event stock to rodeos, and in return I get to travel and compete with them which is incredible.
10. Tell us 4 of your favourite Whistle & Pop pieces on your wish list?
1. Longhorn Bracelet
2. Barrel Racer Ring
3. High Country W&P pearl Huggies
4. Barrel Racer Hoops